Home Design Essential Adjustments Your Website Needs Before Launching a Mobile Application

Essential Adjustments Your Website Needs Before Launching a Mobile Application

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As businesses increasingly embrace mobile technologies, it’s become evident that just about everyone is tapping into mobile app usage—the stats underscore this shift notably. Mobile users spend a remarkable amount of time on their devices, and a staggering 90% of that time is allocated to app engagement. The drive to create a mobile app for your business is understandable, but it’s vital to recognize the link between your app and your website. Without fine-tuning your site first, you risk a clunky transition to mobile which could result in a costly, time-consuming app development process. Here’s a checklist of 15 important website improvements to address before venturing into the mobile app realm.

Optimizing for Speed

User experience relies heavily on speed. To ensure both your website and mobile app run swiftly, consider these adjustments:

1. Streamline Your Code

Simplifying code by cutting out the unnecessary bits—like extraneous JavaScript code, white space in CSS, or excessive line-breaks in HTML—will result in a lighter website. WordPress users have a suite of plugins at their disposal for this task, such as Fast Velocity Minify and Autoptimize.

2. Squeeze the Text

Compressing text can greatly enhance speed, particularly on text-dense sites. Content Delivery Networks are fine-tuned to handle compressed files and you can verify if your site’s compression is active with tools like Check GZIP Compression. For those not self-hosting, plugins like W3 Total Cache offer a straightforward solution.

3. Leverage Browser Caching

Browsers that store resource copies enable quicker access upon return visits. HTTP caching, guided by a Cache-Control header, determines the caching protocol. It’s advisable to extend caching duration as much as security allows and utilize validation tokens for updated resources.

4. Decrease JavaScript Load Time

Since mobile devices take longer to process JavaScript, employing code splitting to break up JavaScript bundles ensures faster delivery. This can be route-level or component-level with tools such as React and Webpack.

5. Tailor Your Visuals

Images enrich user engagement, but they shouldn’t bog down your site. Tools like ImageOptim and services like Cloudinary are designed to help compress and optimize your images without sacrificing quality.

6. Revamp Animated Content

Rethinking your animated content by replacing GIF files with more efficient video formats can make a big difference. Tools like FFmpeg convert files seamlessly, and swapping animations for static images in low-bandwidth situations can enhance performance.

7. Plugin Pruning

A surplus of plugins can hamper your site’s speed. Streamline by removing unused plugins and seek integrated solutions over separate ones—aim for a minimalistic approach to keep your site nimble.

8. Implement AMP

Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) is optimized to deliver static content to mobiles swiftly. While it minimizes some functionality for the sake of speed, it does offer advantages, such as better Google search result rankings.

9. Tackle Redirects and Link Issues

Excessive redirects and broken links are detrimental to the user experience. Using tools like Screaming Frog to identify these issues allows you to either fix or remove them, enhancing site performance.

10. Constant Vigilance through Testing

Even with the previous steps accomplished, continuous testing is imperative. Google’s PageSpeed Insights tool is an excellent starting point, offering actionable insight to further increase site performance.

Interface Refinement

While speed is paramount, user interface (UI) design is also critical. Consider the following enhancements for a superior UI:

11. Streamline Site Structure

For ease of navigation on mobile devices, simplify your website hierarchy. Focus on essential user paths and eliminate unnecessary complexity. Create an intuitive structure from home page down to individual pages or posts.

12. Refine Content Presentation

Content must be designed with mobile in mind. Eliminate bulky elements, and simplify headers, footers, and menus for better display on smaller screens.

13. Limit Sliders and Banners

Sliders may annoy mobile users and …

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