Apple recently showcased its iOS 17 preview, bringing a slew of updates to the table. Amidst the excitement, an unexpected about-turn has Apple loyalists breathing a sigh of relief — the end call button is back to its old spot!
The anticipated iOS 17 is promising innovative additions – think transcribing written words into spoken language instantly or sending a video message when a FaceTime call isn’t answered.
Yet, with all these advancements in tow, one small redesign choice shook the core of user experience. The reliable end call button shifted residence, settling in the bottom right corner instead of its accustomed central perch, throwing off a decade and a half of ingrained habits.
A case of mistaken taps ensued, with exasperated users inadvertently launching FaceTime calls in their effort to disconnect ongoing calls — a scenario far from ideal.
The rationale behind this switch? To make way for the soon-to-debut Contact Posters feature. But such reasoning didn’t stand its ground long in the face of user dissatisfaction, compelling Apple to swiftly retract the change.
In response, the Developer Beta 6 of iOS17 reinstated the end call control to its previous home — much to the delight of Apple enthusiasts who have since taken to social media to express their contentment with the roll-back.
Debuting in June, the initial iOS17 betas hinted at more revelations to come. It’s anticipated that Apple will unveil the full roster of features soon, with the general release expected to brighten up our devices come autumn.