Just how bold can businesses get in their quest for viral fame? We’ve compiled an interesting inventory to showcase just that. Crafting…
Many website visitors find themselves naturally navigating towards the footer section after exploring a site. This underutilized area carries significant potential, housing…
In the realm of user experience, anything that impedes users from achieving their objectives is termed as friction. Such obstacles are detrimental…
Lately, the efficacy of gamification as a strategic tool in business has ignited animated discussions. While some tout it as an innovative…
In the ever-evolving realm of website aesthetics, a new trend is gaining traction: the departure from traditional large hero images or videos…
A notable upgrade allowing users to send high-resolution images is expected to debut in the coming weeks. As a leading player…
Welcome to a thought experiment for the avid readers of WDD. Today, let’s take a leap into the not-so-distant future, where flat…
Navigating the sea of B2B social media strategies can often seem daunting. First and foremost, it’s crucial to acknowledge a key piece…
Current research within the realm of web design has largely been tied to the global effects of COVID-19. Yet, forecasts are starting…
Within the annals of tech history, it’s widely held that the landing page, as we know it, came into existence around late…