Home Development Revolutionary Voice Command Integration for Websites

Revolutionary Voice Command Integration for Websites

by admin

thumbnailThe typical online journey is a dance of clicks, taps, and scrolls, but that’s beginning to evolve.

Enter Annyang, a sleek JavaScript library that breathes life into websites via voice commands.

While it may not yet be the go-to for simple informational sites, it shines when applied to intricate platforms. With Annyang, issuing vocal directives like ‘Open my account’ or ‘Bookmark this page’ could streamline navigation and alleviate the need for a site map.

It’s a dream for browsers that embrace SpeechRecognition, and it’s nonintrusive to those that don’t.

To give you a taste, here’s how you’d get started:

<script src='annyang.min.js'></script>
var commands = {
'hello': function()

Curious? Check out the live demonstration. It’s not without its hiccups, and you might second-guess chatting to your device in public, but the potential is enormous.

Tried voice control on your web projects? We’re curious about the hitches you’ve hit. Drop a line in the comments.

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