Imagine launching a digital space that surpasses your own lifespan. WordPress introduces a visionary concept: a domain obtainable for an entire century, making it possible for your online presence to be witnessed by generations to come, even as they chuckle at the site’s vintage charm in the year 2123.
As the backbone for nearly fifty percent of the web’s infrastructure, WordPress stands out as a leading content management system, revered for its innovative features that maintain its competitive edge.
In the past, you could secure your WordPress domain for a maximum decade. Stepping up its game, WordPress now extends a whopping century-long commitment to serve as your site’s custodian.
Indeed, this groundbreaking offer means your digital legacy could thrive long after you and your peers have moved on. WordPress envisions its century-long plan fostering the preservation of family history or chronicling the longstanding journey of an institution.
This ambitious hosting option assumes our interaction with the digital realm will remain unchanged through the 22nd century. It also relies on the successors of your digital estate being aware of its existence.
Fast forward to a world a century ahead where WordPress still thrives, where your site’s architecture remains robust, and where humanity continues with business as usual. Your legacy site then becomes an incredible artifact holding your family’s stories or your entity’s saga.
Opting for this deal includes unlimited bandwidth and constant support, around the clock. In an effort to immortalize your public content, WordPress ensures its automatic archiving within the Internet Archive.
Unsurprisingly, acquiring a century’s worth of digital real estate comes with a hefty price tag of $38,000, translating to $380 annually. This offer may not be for every wallet, but those interested in safeguarding their digital imprints for the long haul can initiate the process here.