Home UX The Definitive Guide to Enhanced User Integration in SaaS Platforms, Part 6: Personal Touchpoints & Promotional Gear

The Definitive Guide to Enhanced User Integration in SaaS Platforms, Part 6: Personal Touchpoints & Promotional Gear

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Personal Touchpoints & Promotional Gear represent the concluding installment of The Definitive Guide to Enhanced User Integration in SaaS Platforms. Integrating users into a SaaS platform involves guiding them through a pathway that begins the moment they start using the software. This journey mirrors the traditional orientation new employees undergo in a corporate environment. Setting the right atmosphere early on is crucial for a satisfactory user experience. This integration trajectory encompasses six key components, with the previous five already discussed:

  1. Registration Interface
  2. Introductory Email
  3. Progressive Engagement Series
  4. Initial Login & Tutorial Walkthrough
  5. Data Integration & Alert System
  6. Personal Touchpoints & Promotional Gear

Each element is vital in establishing a positive brand perception for new users during the integration process. In this piece, we focus on the impact of Personal Touchpoints and Promotional Gear.

Personal Touchpoint

[pullquote]There is immense value in a new user interacting with a live person, often surpassing other customer retention strategies[/pullquote]

Personal touchpoints can greatly enhance your user integration experience. Live interaction with a user adds a human element to the service offering. Engaging directly with a new user can result in more significant customer retention improvements than other methods, and provides the benefit of receiving direct feedback, creating win-win scenarios.

The Value of Personal Touchpoints

Some SaaS pioneers argue that phone conversations are anachronistic, and may irritate customers. They also contend that time constraints and limited human resources make this impractical. However, these touchpoints can lead to a surge in product activation – due to the simple fact that you’ve made an effort that your competitors haven’t. Although some users may not respond positively, others will engage, providing an opportunity to strengthen your customer relationship. Speedier customer feedback, invaluable market insights, enhanced conversion rates, lasting customer relationships, and brand differentiation through tailored service are just a few of the advantages.

Is There a Risk of Annoying Our Users?

It’s a reasonable concern to think that users might be put off by a phone call. In this digital age, users often feel overwhelmed by constant market demands. However, remember that these users have demonstrated interest in your product by signing up. They already see value in what you offer, so a company that displays personalized care is usually well-received. Don’t shy away from offering personal attention — it’s often welcomed.

Optimal Time for a Call: Within 5 Minutes of Signing Up

There’s a growing trend which highlights the benefits of contacting new users within five minutes after signup. The call can be brief, simply a personal gesture of welcome and assistance. This swift response usually garners positive reactions. Yet, timing is crucial – too soon, and you may come across as overbearing; too late, and the user might disengage. With the feedback obtained, have a robust system in place to analyze and act upon it, ensuring that it aligns with your product vision.

Promotional Gear

Everyone appreciates good swag. Companies are becoming increasingly creative in delighting customers with promotional gear. Services like StartupThreads manage this aspect, reducing logistical hassles. [pullquote]Everybody loves receiving thoughtfully-curated swag[/pullquote] When considering giveaways, think about items like:

  • Handy gadgets or apps
  • Insightful blog posts
  • Informative infographics
  • Complimentary ebooks
  • Access to exclusive webinars
  • Insightful white papers
  • Practical checklists
  • Detailed beginner manuals
  • No-cost consultations
  • Engaging interviews
  • Educational podcasts
  • Packages with multiple items listed above

Here’s a glimpse at companies that stand out with their promotional gear strategies.


ChartMogul sends a welcome package to new users filled with handy materials like cheat sheets, stickers, and a branded t-shirt. Here’s what’s included:

  • The Ultimate Churn Rate Cheat Sheet
  • The Ultimate SaaS Metrics Cheat Sheet
  • The Ultimate Cohort Analysis Cheat Sheet
  • Fun Stickers
  • ChartMogul branded t-shirt

Product Hunt

Product Hunt’s simple gesture of sending a thank-you note with a kitten sticker to its first thousand users garnered extraordinary appreciation and significantly bolstered their recognition.

Best Practices for Swag

Bear in mind, swag alone cannot redeem a subpar integration experience but can beautifully complement a good one. Carefully choose items that your users will genuinely appreciate and can utilize. And if you’re a small company, don’t hesitate to add a personal touch — handwritten notes or custom details can significantly enhance the perceived value.

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